Saturday, December 21, 2013

Don't start rationalizing, overthinking it; instead, focus on Jesus!

Have you recently experienced a day, a week, or even a month that seemed like something extremely inconvenient was always happening? "Why is this happening to me," or you would probably ask yourself, "What have I done wrong?" 

The hardest part about going through a season of trials, and tests is remaining "calm" despite of adversity, especially when you're in the presence of family members, coworkers and acquaintances who don't know who Jesus Christ is. Aren't we supposed to be the great and godly examples of how a Christian lives, no matter what we face on a daily basis? How on earth are we able to remain composed, and plaster on the "I'm always at peace" pokerface expression, when we feel like we are emotionally sinking and drowning inwardly? Wouldn't that be considered to be fake in who we are, and what we say we believe in? The problem is not our reactions to life's challenges, but rather not fully surrendering to our MIGHTY GOD, and the Author and Perfecter of our faith. 

He commands us to trust in the LORD with all our heart, and lean not unto our own understanding. In all our ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). In other words, "don't stress, don't panic, He is still in control, and He knew this was going to happen! Don't start rationalizing, overthinking it; instead, completely focus on Jesus. He will give you further instructions, wait on Him!" 

We will always need more intimacy with GOD Himself, we will always need to study and read His Word, we will always need to pray without ceasing, and we will always need to fully surrender to His perfect will; no matter how many years we've been truly saved, or no matter how many times we've read the Bible!  

We are to (daily) present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to GOD, which is our reasonable service and be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of our minds, that by testing we may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:1-2). By surrendering and trusting in the LORD with all of our heart, we are pleasing our Master, our Creator, our Shepherd, which is what we truly desire to do. :) 

When something totally unexpected happens, let's continue to praise our MIGHTY GOD! We will worship Him in Spirit, and in truth. We worship Him for who He is, and the amazing fact that He will always reign! "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the LORD GOD, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty" (Revelation 1:8).

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