Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Be the Light

We must be careful in how we interact with unsaved loved ones, coworkers, and acquaintances, because we are the light and the salt of the world! We are to preach against sin in love, we love them, and our goal is to ultimately minister the Gospel to them. Eventually, they will turn toward the Gospel, or your lifestyle will bother them in such a way, that they won't have anything to do with you anymore because that's how Jesus lived!

Live in such a way that they know you're not going to participate in their sin, they know you're not going to go to certain places, they know you're not going to talk a certain way; you're going to talk about Jesus. And, if they get tired of you, they rejected the Lord. Live in such a way that you present Jesus to them. They can either accept or reject Him, because if we are not presenting Jesus to them, they will never accept, or reject him, and your relationship will not have any effect! Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners (1 Corinth 15:33). ARE WE INFLUENCING THEM, OR ARE THEY INFLUENCING YOU? Are you living in their atmosphere, or are they walking in yours?

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